

On 5/31/2003, close to 40 USTC alumni attended

the seminar organized by the USTC Alumni

Association in Silicon Valley and the USTC

Alumni Engineering and Entrepreneurship Club.

Two distinguished speakers shared their experience

on what it takes to turn great idea and tech savvy

experience into successful high tech start up, and

how to utilize the China factor to our advantage

in the increasingly globalized and volatile high

tech industry.

Steven Li(850/856), Vice President of Engineering at

NASDAQ listed WebEx, presented a story on growing

a start-up to a successful public company, leveraging

China's resources.

Michael Lee(8600/8611), Managing Director at Venture

Capital Firm WI Harper gave a good coverage on high

tech start up and VC funding in US and China.

The presentations grabbed great attention from the

audience followed by applause, warm laughters and

enthusiastic questions. They also take home fresh

new perspectives on entrepreneurship and fun

memories of networking with fellow alumni with common

passion in pursuing excellence.

The presentation material is available for

USTCAA-SV/Eclub members at
