On 2/16/2003, over 50 USTC alumni in Silicon Valley
attended the dinner meeting with Professor Wang Xufa,
executive deputy dean of USTC Information Sci&Tech
The dinner featured talks by several alumni focusing
on China opportunities:
George Guan(854)(管华鹏) shared his experience in
looking for VC(风险投资) funding in China -- his lesson
is that one needs to have a proven sample product to get
VCs in China interested.
Chen CZ(734)(陈春章) introduced Zhong Guancun(中关村)
- Cadence Software Institute aiming at training MS level
IC design engineer-- 250,000 needed in the Chinese market.
They are also recruiting faculty members.
John Hu(862)(胡荣湘) presented engineering cooperation
opportunities offered by the USTC Shanghai
R&D Center. They welcome alumni to conduct hightech
training programs and can connect visiting alumni with
local business and VCs.
Mi Peiwei(776) introduce the teaching programs in USTC
School of Software. USTC can offer RMB800-$1000/hour
for a 40-hour short course, in addition all travel
and living expense paid. Please contact him at
peiwei_mi@yahoo.com for details.
In the end, Prof Wang introduced recent progress in
USTC engineering programs, he welcomed alumni to
make concrete contributions to USTC growth. He will
need help in setting up strong IC design programs
in USTC.
Earlier in the day, USTCAA-SV board members also
met Prof Wang seperately. Prof. Wang pledged to
cooperate with our E-club so that we all benefit
during the process.